Armenia Media/Marketing

30 Days


The Junior Corps program welcomes individuals of all ethnicities* between the ages of 21 and 31 who are in search of volunteer or internship opportunities. Volunteers commit to a minimum stay of one month in Armenia and may stay for a maximum of one year, serving 30 hours weekly with one or more of our 1,300+ partner organizations of their choice.  International students studying in Armenia are eligible for a reduced weekly commitment of 20 hours per week, provided they are pursuing full-time studies in Armenia. AVC provides individually customized placements all year long by matching volunteer skills and interests to the needs of our partners, running in a wide variety of sectors such as: business, education, environmental sciences, finance, health, human rights, journalism, PR, government-supported bodies, NGOs, and arts and culture. AVC also provides support services to provide a seamless integration, including airport pickup, host-family living arrangements, Armenian language classes, and much more. In addition, AVC’s weekly gatherings, forums and weekly excursions all across the country enable volunteers to uniquely discover the sights, sounds, and flavors of Armenia.

In addition to volunteer placements, AVC provides all logistical support from airport pick-up, to host-family living arrangements, Armenian language classes, and much more, helping volunteers to seamlessly integrate into life in Armenia.


  • Fundraising and event management
  • Graphic Arts and Design
  • Videography
  • Social Media
  • Publications
  • Podcasts
  • Multimedia
  • News Reporting
  • Documentary



ONEArmenia is a for-purpose organization that accelerates culture and tech ideas. It is fund raising initiative. Interns with background in videography/photography, graphic designers, preferable with experience and educational background are highly welcomed. Fundraisers, as well as event managers are always useful.


FAST is building an ecosystem of innovation to lead scientists, technologists and innovators in Armenia and beyond to success on the global stage. One of the most pivotal tasks of FAST is to engage tech and scientific communities in raising the profile of Armenia as a hub for technological and scientific discoveries and developments. As a newly established foundation, there is a big need for qualified marketing specialists, as well as multimedia ones to create content for marketing.


UNDPI is the public voice of the UN and the principal source of information about the United Nations system. It promotes global awareness and greater understanding of the work of the UN, using various communication tools such as publications, mass media, website and social media and through different means of outreach.


EVN Report is an independent, non-profit online weekly magazine. It offers a mix of reporting, analysis and commentary on politics, economy, culture, tech and innovation, the arts, as well as compelling narratives, podcasts, and multimedia storytelling.


Civilnet is one of the leading online platforms in Armenia featuring news-based, research-based, and data driven news through multimedia reporting from Armenia and the region.


Deem Communications is a comprehensive marketing and public relations agency. They aim to introduce modern communications methodology of international stature through a variety of services. They deliver quality marketing, advertising, media, PR, design & event management services for those who value time and money.


With the understanding that the power of film is often greater than the power of words, Bars Media has become an outlet for honest, responsible, and trustworthy voices to express themselves, to inspire dialogue, to create socially conscious films, and to encourage constructive social change.

Typical Volunteer Tasks: Volunteers in an interest in documentary films support Bars Media with English content development, supporting media and marketing efforts, and working directly on ongoing projects. Check out this blog featuring the work of a former volunteer.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Armenia Media/Marketing